1:1 Mentoring
Are you someone who prefers to work intimately 1:1 with a person who has dedicated time for just you?
Do you like high access and support?
Maybe you aren't ready to share with a group but you are needing some help healing your wounds.
Or you are a boss queen who is self led and you want someone to bounce ideas off, hold space for you, and watch you thrive.
Then 1:1 is for you.
This is a completely open space, where you can learn, discover and grow in any area of your life that is needing assistance.
My work is all about embodiment, feminine leadership, having unfuckablewith confidence in your self and healing deep wounds that hold you back today.
It is sacred, it is expansive and it is life changing.
Prices vary depending on contact and access so enquire today and lets make a plan that suits your needs